HOW TO: Create an Image Hosting site in minutes!

Image Hosting sites are a common place for many users, millions of pictures gets hosted on various Image Hosting sites like Photobucket, Imageshack, Servimg, etc, but have you ever dreamt of creating your own Image Hosting site? Well, here's a fancy script that would help you get it started, with an awesome user interface, and friendly features.

Chevereto, meaning "cool", is a free script, written in PHP, that lets you set up your own image hosting on your web server. It is your hosting and your rules, say goodbye to the closures and restrictions. Currently the code is very tender, and is in its early versions.


1) Awesome User Interface: One click and upload your images, either from your PC or images on the web. It is very simple to use, you will love it by their appearance.

2) Installs in Seconds: It installs quickly, requires no database and is configurable. You can determine the size of images, file length, etc..

3) Open Source: You can edit and adapt the code as you like because it is open source, just as you like for your host.

4) Needy Tools: Chevereto allows you to create Bookmarklets for your site, as well a Firefox Extension, which helps users to upload @ 1 Click.

System Requirements

Chevereto requires PHP 5 with GD Library installed, alongwith cURL installed on your server, to work properly.

Try Chevereto

Chevereto is hosted live at a server, so as to let you see the power of Chevereto, and harness it, and to choose it as your Image Hosting Engine. Try Chevereto at Godlike Image Hosting.

Get Chevereto

Current version of Chevereto is 1.6, which is a Nightly Build for Chevereto. Download it here.


Chevereto hears all of your queries, suggestions, and other bug reports at the Chevereto Forum, you can register and post your query, you will be answered soon.

Arvixe provides all of the System Requirements that is needed by Chevereto to work properly, along with a free domain of your choice to get you started. Get an Arvixe Hosting Plan to kick-start your Image Hosting site, with Unlimited Space and Bandwidth.
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